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Selectmen Minutes 05/20/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 20, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:01pm.

SUBJECT: Space Needs Committee – Police Department expansion  
PRESENT: Patrick Clarke; Police Chief
Others Present:  Gil Vien, Joyce Vien, John Uitts, David Kenneally, Mike Paveglio, Jamie Pike

Chief Clarke discussed how and why he chose the group of people he did to address the CIP project and the current deficiencies at the station.   Pat stated perhaps he misspoke by calling it a committee prior to the Board acting on it.  Each person was chosen for a specific reason for what area of expertise they could bring to the project and the Chief trusts the people he picked.  Pat is concerned with having people that he doesn’t know on the committee.  Pat is trying to correct what liability issues he can at this point but some are just not possible at the current location.

Selectman MacCleery stated he was just concerned with a department head picking his own committee.  Chief Clarke suggested two committees, one for the expansion project and one to address the current liabilities.  Pat continued by stating this was not a new idea, he has discussed this with the Selectmen at a department meeting prior to Town Meeting, where he asked for help from the Board and Chairman DeBold offered to be the Selectmen representative on the committee.  

Chairman DeBold stated the issue is that the police department needs space, the project is in the CIP, and there has always been this need for space.  Chairman DeBold suggested Pat bring some additional names of potential members to the Board then the Board can meet with those people.  

Again Patrick expressed his concern for the town’s liability should problems not get addressed and something happens and the town gets sued.

The committee will work on the liability issues and bring recommendations to the Board.  Patrick will solicit additional members and have them meet with the Board.

SUBJECT: Highway Department
PRESENT: David Kenneally; Road Agent

Mr. Kenneally asked for the Board’s decision in regards to the paving for Center Road.  The Board was going to review the contract and check with the vendor on overages and tonnage.  Lisa spoke to Jim Royal from Pike Industries who confirmed to her that any additional work would be brought to the Town under a separate contract and would require prior approval from the Board and the Town will be charged by the scale slips only for the asphalt no more, no less.  The Board gave Mr. Kenneally the final go ahead and allowed him to exercise his judgment if the need for additional asphalt arises, to spend no more than an additional $5,000 which would be charged to the highway budget.

Both Mr. Kenneally and a representative from CLD Engineering will be at the job site to oversee the work.  Center Road will be closed to through traffic for the remainder of the week.

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BOS minutes
May 20, 2008    

General Business:  Between appointments, the Board reviewed correspondence from the Historical Society regarding the removal of the fire escape from the Community Building.  The Society is requesting this be removed prior to the commencement of the siding replacement.   The Fire Chief has inspected the building and issued an assembly permit.  The number of occupants allowed per the fire code, does not require that exit, the condition of the fire escape is beyond safe repair, a new one would have to be installed and the exit brought up to current building code.  The Board determined the removal of the fire escape and the boarding of the exit door would be more prudent at this time.  It was not determined who would be responsible for the removal and the associated costs of the removal.   Lisa recommended the Board meet with the society members to discuss this and the other repairs needed at the Community Building.  The Board would like that meeting scheduled when the bids for the siding repair are opened, to allow the society members input as well.

SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Program Committee
PRESENT: CIP members- Mike Paveglio, Richard Moore, Doug Hall and Jamie Pike

The committee held their first meeting and wished to inform the Selectmen of what was discussed.
A slight revision to the form used for submission of projects
Overall new plan format
Deadline for the end of June for department filings
Projects defined according to ‘Duration & Dollars’
Threshold amount to determine a capital expenditure

Doug Hall explained the committee intends on moving quickly and would like the Board’s support.  The deadline discussed for department submissions was the end of June.  The plan must be adopted by the Planning Board prior to going on to the Selectmen and Budget Committee for budget preparations. The committee does not want their work rushed by getting the information late summer.  The group would like to meet with the department heads to explain the changes and the new requirement of supporting documentation.

Chairman DeBold asked was it the role of the committee to eliminate or dissuade department heads from projects.  No, however one advantage of the CIP is to not have departments popping projects in the budget meetings at the last minute, it establishes a process and defines wants from needs.  

Mr. Moore stated he was trying to understand more, the relationship between the CIP Committee, the Advisory Budget Committee, the Selectmen and Town Meeting.  A goal of the CIP is for level funding. The committee wants to hear from the department heads what they want; they will have to justify it.  More documentation defines the request.  The new format used will be Excel, this year the plan will be re-worked from scratch, going forward only the additional year will have to be added and the current information updated for changes.  Selectman MacCleery stated capital projects are the warrant articles, items not typically annual budget items.  

Mr. Hall stated the school is part of this process as well and volunteered to meet with the School Board to discuss the changes.  Although the statute does not reference the school funding, the Town has an Impact Fee Ordinance and inclusion of the school projects in the CIP is a requirement of the collection of school impact fees.

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BOS minutes
May 20, 2008

SUBJECT: Cemetery Trustees
PRESENT: Trustees – Gil Vien, Robin Stephens and Joann McIntosh

Chairman DeBold swore in trustee Robin Stephens for a three year term.

The trustees brought forward their concerns regarding difficulties they are experiencing with the Trustees of the Trust Funds regarding the correct number of cemetery lots in which the town is due reimbursement.  The two groups met last November and have not been able to get this resolved.  The Cemetery Trustees sited the town has not gotten reimbursed for maintenance expenses for the last six years because the two groups are at odds over the correct numbers.  The cemetery funds have not been reported correctly on the MS-10 form required for annual filing by the State.  The computer problems still exist.  The Cemetery Trustees have given the Trustees of the Trust Funds the numbers they show for cemetery lots and feel it is not up to them the Cemetery Trustees to complete the MS-10 or research any books in the library from a past Eagle Scout project to verify numbers.  A body does not constitute a plot.  It is next to impossible to get the exact number of plots.  

Selectman MacCleery stated the Board of Selectmen have no jurisdiction over the Trustee of Trust Funds, the Attorney General’s office does.  However, town officials do swear an Oath of Office and if they are found not to be doing their job, the Board can remove them.  

This is the first year the Cemetery Trustees have heard about the numbers being wrong.  The Town has only two cemeteries that are eligible for reimbursement money.  Also, Citizens Bank discovered a cemetery fund several years ago for care of the Leavitt Cemetery.  The Trustees of the Trust Funds switched this fund to Banknorth and the Cemetery Trustees cannot get the Trustees of the Trust Funds to release money to them for those expenses.  In closing, the Cemetery Trustees have given the Trustees of Trust Funds what information they could; it is the same as what they have been using since 1984. In Pineground Cemetery, the town only owns the back right hand corner.

The Board of Selectmen will schedule a meeting to address the Cemetery Trustees concerns with the Trustee of Trust Funds for next week.


Chief Vien informed the Selectmen that the transmission has been removed from Forestry 3.  The plate has been modified; the bell housing is different.  The whole bottom shaft is gone; this is a result of running the vehicle in 4-wheel drive all the time.  No estimates for repair costs have been received at this time.  

The generator has been swapped on Engine 3.  The cost for the new generator was $599.00, purchased from Sam’s Club.  The old generator will be scrapped.

Chief Vien informed the Board he will be out of town over the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend and Deputy Chief Uitts would be in charge.  

Selectman MacCleery informed Chief Vien that Mr. Lenny Gilman was interested in the repair work for the transmission.   

When reviewing the accounts payable, Selectman MacCleery discovered an error on the Mayville invoice. The incorrect hourly rate was calculated for work performed on the 12th and 13th of May.  The check was voided and the Board approved the new invoice amount of $1360.00.  Lisa will have a corrected check processed for signatures by the Board and Treasurer prior to Friday.

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BOS minutes
May 20, 2008  

The Board set the polling hours of 7Am-7PM, for the September Primary.

The Board signed timber tax levies on the following properties –
        Map 5, Lot 8-4 – Shaw - $67.26
        Map 1, Lot 23 – Blackman - $1799.59
        Map 9, Lot 46 – Patterson - $307.47

The Board signed an Intent to Cut for Map 10, Lot 9 – Giuda.

The Board denied an Abatement on Map 4, Lot 26 – JE/Chichester Realty, LLC.

At this time, Donna Chagnon stopped in to discuss the following Food Pantry issues;

        Donated freezer – two possibilities have come forward – the Board deferred to Ms. Chagnon for condition of freezers and her choice of the best one and authorized her to accept the freezer as a donation to the Food Pantry and to dispose of the current chest freezer if necessary.

The question of liability arose when discussing the purchasing of food in large quantities and re-wrapping for individual disbursement.  Ms. Chagnon will discuss the issue with Concord Community Action.

        501c tax exempt status – the Food Pantry is applying for participation in the Manchester Food Bank- proof of 501c status for the town is needed, nothing in the pantry files, Lisa will compose letter for the Food Bank.

Trustee of Trust Funds concerns stated were;

        The lack of communication between the Cemetery Trustees and the Trustees of the Trust Funds
        The late filing of the MS-10 form.- The Trustees are in need of outside help to complete, not sure any more extensions will be granted from the Attorney General’s Office, do not wish for the Town to be fined due to the report not being filed.

Chairman DeBold summarized the concerns stated earlier in the evening from the Cemetery Trustees. The Board scheduled a meeting with the Trustee of Trust Funds for next Tuesday at 8:15pm.

The Board reviewed the status of the Levitina zoning violation.  Once Lisa receives documents submitted to the BOA at the May 7th hearing, they will be forwarded to town counsel for court proceedings to commence.

The Board directed Lisa to forward a violation letter to Smirnioudis on Connemara Drive as a result of a complaint filed against the incomplete barn.

The Board received two new complaints against excessive signage on two businesses along Rte 4.  They will take them under advisement.
The minutes of May 13, 2008, were approved with the following corrections; page 2, 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence, change the word cruiser to department -  page 4, last paragraph, change Selectman MacCleery to Chairman DeBold.      

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BOS minutes
May 20, 2008

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 10:11pm. All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    

                                                Approved   as Written                                                                                            5/27/2008

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan